These usually are composed of starch, coloringmaterial, with a little nitrogenous material in the form of gelatine, casein, or albumin.
In 1901 the United States treasury department adopted a similar ink except that it permitted the introduction into it of an unnamed blue coloringmaterial.
The Functional Pigment segment is engaged in the manufacture and sale of magnetic powder materials, various coloringmaterials and others.
It happened that Kennedy had some artificial flowers on a stand, which he had been using long before in the study of synthetic coloringmaterials.
PIGMENT.-Thecolouringmaterial produced generally in the superficial parts of animals.
MELANISM.-Theopposite of albinism; an undue development of colouringmaterial in the skin and its appendages.
I have already elsewhere given particulars concerning red wood, mastic, perfumes, green colouringmaterial, cotton, amber, and many other products of this island.